Sasu Maa ki chudai
Mother-in-law is a phrase that has negative implications in the world. It is the reason behind the stereotype of a controlling and interfering mother-in-law in movies and TV shows, causing a false impression to form about this relationship. In reality, though, the relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can be much more nuanced and diverse.
Fortunately, not everyone has a monster in-law, which is something I can personally attest to, having been blessed with a great one. In fact, my mother-in-law has been one of my most positive, supportive influences.
I had grown up hearing stories about how hard it is to get along with your mother-in-law. So when I married and moved in with my husband’s family, I braced myself for the worst. But my mother-in-law turned out to be warm, loving and accepting of me. She cared for me like I was her daughter; she ensured I was like a member of my new family.
And with the years that have passed our relationship has only grown closer. It’s made it so that my mother-in-law is my sounding board and support system. In the tough times, the happy times, the celebrated times, she has always been there for me. Through the days of sadness when my heart was heavy, through sleepless trials, through triumphs and tribulations, and every other experience that the human condition has to offer, her unwavering love and support have provided me the confidence to face any challenge head on.
One of the most beautiful things is the mutual respect between me and my mother-in-law. She respects me as a person and what I choose to do — and I respect her as a “great kind of mind,” as one of my friends puts it, and also her place in our family. We very rarely see eye to eye on anything, yet we have learnt to talk and communicate at that we must understand that people may think differently than those we associate with.
The assumption that mother-in-law relationships only involve courteous conversation and family get-togethers. But I’ve developed a close relationship with my mother-in-law that transcends our family positions. Like I said, we have similar interests and she helps guide and inspire me in my life and career.
One might ask, what has brought us so near? The answer is clear: mutual understanding and acceptance. We know that our relationship is love, and that proved we are going to try to maintain it. We understand you will play different roles as you grow, your spheres of influence will widen, but our relationship will remain set in stone.
We all know that Mother-in-Laws have a bad reputation, I think we should talk about the healthy mother in law relationship. I consider myself truly fortunate to have a mother-in-law who welcomed me as a daughter-in-law with open arms and an open heart. Our bond is a testament that as long as we’re open to each other with patience in our hearts, we can create strong and genuine bonds with our family even if they are not blood relatives.
So when all is said and done, my mother-in-law is not just my relative — she is one of my friends, confidants and my idol. I wish everyone peace, love, and kindness that a good mother-in-law should have in their lives.